fall impressions, oktober 2007

Airial painting in the morning sky

The horror in the barn

Fall tree in the Isar valley
consumer experiences
Some feedback on two germn products this week
- Riding the train with the Deutsche Bahn can be a bitch. Not because
of breakdowns or delays, but because of the lack of seats on the
waiting-platforms. Yeah, I am young and should be standing, but I had a
strained ankle and some more seats would have been fine.
- In my opinion Hohes-C Naturelle tastes like piss! Expensive and
pushed with a lot of commercials, I tried the one with apple flavour.
What a mistake. Tasted like stale, cooked Apfelschorle.
Avoid if possible.
hiking summer, september 2007

The Bayerischer Rundfunk
- I herby propose higher-resolution pictures!
(And I really thought about wearing
a bright yellow shirt in the morning while I got dressed...)
... like climbing mountains with sandals

My buddies see a much higher potential for my hiking capabilities, if
I just choose the appropriate equipment.
- paar of blue jeans: too heavy and uncomfortable
- army boots from my military service time: too heavy and
allegedly too uncomfortable
- old style rucksack: not ergonomic at all
I might consider to change something in the backpack situation.
Boardgame gaming session in Freising
Every second and fourth friday of each month a group of people
a.k.a. the Freisinger Spiele Treff
meet in Freising for some relaxed hours of gaming. We test the lastest
shit on the market, as well as falling back to the classics. New
players are always welcome - contact me,
if you want to join me for a ride from the Landshut direction.
The von Krempelhubers going online!
Daniela and Alexander went online with a documentation of the noble
line of the von Krempelhubers.
Go check it out and give them some feedback in their guestbook.
you know the internet has become a commodity ..., july 2007

Some patterns from my mom's quilts
... when your mom puts content on the internet. She displays some
of her quilting work on Coco Dreher's site:
checking out the center of power in regular intervals, june 2007

Berlin - Holocaust Memorial
Comments on Berlin (nothing brainy)
I have been to Berlin for nine days. It has been very interesting.
There is a gallery to
check out. Here are some observations:
- Green Hell - for one streets in Berlin are quite green.
Obviously urban planers during the industrialization left enough space
for trees along inner-city street. This is great, considering there are
quite some cities, or parts of cities, which do not have that luxury
and must live with their stone and concrete wastelands. BUT: Stop it
Berlin! One thing a city dweller needs for balance is some green once
and a while, another thing is the open view, a possibility for the eye
to wander around the horizon, to focus to infinity to get an overview
of ones surroundings. That is, what I missed a lot in Berlin. Of course
space, also called real estate, is a luxury in urban areas, however:
please do not plant trees on every last piece of space you have. This
ain't the jungle.
- Victoria-Park: in theory a natural elevation south of
the inner city with nice 360°-View - if it was not for those pesky
trees not being cut down by the city around the top.
- Platz der Republik: (and the space around Bundeskanzleramt,
Lehrter Bahnhof and surroundings) still nice open space with nice
overview, but they planted trees everywhere! Well, I can be thankful.
that I had the possibility to see this area in an open-state.
- Tiergarten, Alexanderplatz and different parks in Potsdam:
green hell.
- Lustgarten:pleasantly open to see the ensemble - fortunately
the former location of the Stadtschloss on the opposite side is
left open. I am curious to see the place with the palace of the
republic completely removed.
- Mauerpark: More a piece of dirt - the lawn in Bolzplatz
quality. Who cares, very authentic and fitting for Berlin AND:
pleasantly open and devoid of trees. However they already planted
young trees towards the stadium on the hillside in the east.
Please Berlin, I am not an landscape-architect and have not been to each
and every place in your city, but consider each and every tree you plant.
- Hooded-Sweatshirt: I actually thought about taking my
hooded-sweatshirt to Berlin, but decided against it, probably because
it had New-York printed on it. It would have been perfectly in style.
- Store-names: funny how all those young, new stores in
Prenzlauer Berg try to find original names for themselves.
- Prenzlauer Berg Stereotype: My sister told me the
typical stereotype: Sunday in Prenzlauer Berg, young couples with
their kids in in buggy-cars going for breakfast in a cafe, play with
their kids in the park and take a stroll over the flee-market.
From my observation: 100% true. Funny.
All in all, I always enjoy going to Berlin - and going back
after a while.
Greetings to Klemens back from my time at GE Smallworld who I met
on top of the panorama spot at Potsdamer Platz
There is a
google map of my stay in Berlin. I wanted
to play a little and check the usability and scalability of the system
(it is not scaling and usable for projects like this - but can be useful
for quite some stuff).
XO for rich people in 1th world people
I tried a live-CD from the
OLPC (one laptop per child). Very
interesting. The basic GUI is very pleasant. The single apps are
not so useful for an adult. Not being a teacher, I can not tell wether
the project makes sense for children. But I like the
specs of the
hardware, and would very much like to have one of those thingies for
myself. Some text-editing, some email, some chat, some web - throw
in your favourite text base Linux apps like nethack and sc - what else
do you need 90% of the time? Maybe a second edition device without
the deficiencies of the first one would be nice to own?
worth1000.com for the poor, may 2007

Gunter and Tassilo using the prepared helipad on the Mt. Wank for a
quick pickup.
Venice-Trip Easter '07
I have been to Venice with Christoph and Martin. It has been great.

Beginner tourist on Piazza San Marco going down to the pigeons.

Master tourist - a true beast master - letting the birds come up to
State of the mind
Forget about all this monthly blog or picture-of-the-month
thing. I thought it might be good to have a periodic schedule,
in order to get some self-made pressure to create new content.
So for the time being, I shall switch to irregular updates,
content and mood permitting.
New content: I added a hilarious cartoon by
rattelschneck to the
surveyors' fun section.
another year down, february 2007
2006 was good.
testdisk to the rescue!
There are all kinds of ways to loose ones data. After my
episode with a dying harddisk, I
became the weakest link in the chain of data safety myself. In a nightly
state of mental derangement I deleted an extended partition, still
containing another logical partition with some 21GB of not excistencial,
but still "would be nice to have", data, and wrote the new partition
- sigh -
But, remembering having read about some tool to recover partitions, on
the first page of search results I stumbled over
testdisk. The sources did not compile,
but the static linux binaries worked just fine. And there they were, all
deleted partitions. Just mark the relvant partitions, testdisk will
recovere them accordingly and everything will be fine. Thanks to
Christophe GRENIER, the main developer of testdisk, making it
possible to recover that data.
I would like to use this opportunity, to also thank all developers,
maintainers, writer of documentary, testers and everybody else who provides
me with great open source and freeware software, helping me getting work done
and giving me a good time.
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